End of summer

Summer is moving towards its productive end in Denmark and the countryside is alive with harvest activity…


End of summer


I sense the end of summer


the smell of spread pig shit on heavy air, the earthy odour of newly turned soil, the pitch of tractor engines labouring to pull ploughs,


green fields turned gold, losing their sheen as monster-sized combine harvesters growl open-mouthed over hill after hill, a flurry of dusty activity, leaving clean shorn emptiness and straw


tractors and bailers hurry behind, grain trailers filled, dryers rumbling, straw bailed, hay bundled,  landscape rumbling with the sound of heavy machines at work


onto the cleared space flock wild geese, filling land and air with loud calls, wide wing-spans, noisy comings and goings


the satisfactory weight of good grazing on the backs of cattle grown fat and wild and shaggy over long months on summer grass


apples hang heavy on low bowing trees, gardens show their deepest greens and reds, buzzing with wasps and butterflies over dropped plums


forests turn dark and broody, filled with the smell of fungi and the passing of seasons, moist soil hungry for leaves soon to fall


sound of the wind leaning to autumn, tugging at dark resisting leaves still held back by stray strands of summer’s golden hair,


end of lovely summer, the start of something new



Love’s day

We had a day, just ourselves, were we explored a forest and a beach, and it was just perfect.

Love’s day


A day when love lives

Surrounds, abounds


path leads –

sun shines –

birds chatter –

rain sparkles –

pebbles crunch –

wind plays –


All is perfect –

In love




The last week in Denmark has been windy, and no doubt the windmills have generated a lot of electricity… but on really windy days they seem frantic and powerless




Foolish windmills wave frantic arms

Thinking to direct the wind

Bossily erect on green hills

Pointing and gesturing


Wind laughs past

‘Play your games,’

Blows a gale

And sends them into a flurry



Grey day

I woke to a grey day, but on going out to investigate, I found it was silver


Grey day


Morning is silver

Gleaming heavens, silver seas

Silver droplets slice glistening sky


Shivering puddles

Quenching rain on thirsty lands

Silver beads poised, rolling, falling


Whispers of wind

Soft sparkle of receding dreams

Fresh promise shimmering


On far horizon

Blue is rising

