Elephant in the room

This week’s poem can only be about the two young men who recently left the house in Dhaka. They left with suitcases containing a few pairs of shorts, many t shirts, a suit each which recently replaced the ones that had become too small and which will no doubt be too small next time they have need of a suit, and lots of electronic equipment. They have no plans of returning for the foreseeable future.

Elephant in the room

Taking afternoon tea, together

as usual, while shadows lengthen,

there’s an elephant in the room


We don’t say much, stir sugar,

crunch biscuits, comment on weather,

some things are too bulky to say


With grey shadow on my heart, I argue

an obsolete rule, laugh a failed excuse,

you’re excited, I bite my tongue


In years leading up to this dusk, I’ve pain-

stakingly taught you how not to need me,

now I must learn not to need you


Sigh silently as you rise to go, taking

 comfort in cold remains of tea,

the confident step of your departure

6 thoughts on “Elephant in the room

  1. Wow Rilla, I guess I am not a big girl yet because the tears wet my eyes reading this one. Your poems are among the things I saved up for my summer reading, enjoying them much.

  2. Jeg har det lige modsat(næsten) jeg jubler når de rejser:-). smukt digt! Vi glæder os til at se jer alle i dk i sommer!

  3. Don’t worry, they still need you, and they’ll need you all their lives. And you’ll be with them always because you’re part of them. Elephants are big, but they’re mostly soft and gentle. The elephant in your house will look after you; it will let you cuddle up to it and enjoy the memories. Yours is not an elephant in a glass house.

    Life has many chapters and a new one is opening for you and for them. Excitedly awaiting your next poem on the subject.

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