January in the village

As January draws towards a close I share a poem written for the annual meeting of ‘The Society for the Appreciation of January’, a group of ladies who meet each year to appreciate the most unappreciated month of all. The poem celebrates the charm and beauty of cold and foggy January mornings in the villages of Bangladesh.

January in the village

January goat

Morning fog slows day’s awakening, softening blood red sunrise
Mist dulls speed and noise, and space takes on a shadow world’s disguise
By waking homesteads milking cows breathe steam into grey dawn
Dressed in neatly stitched hessian robes and the dusty smell of hay
Warm milk at the dairy
To celebrate January
Goats in old coats find green leaves and warmth, kids in kid’s hand-me-downs
Torn t-shirts and worn sweaters, pulled over reluctant sharp-horned crowns
Along the path, through mist appear piles of clothes in human form
While dark lingers under mango trees huddling to stay warm
Morning is a sanctuary
To celebrate January
Smoke from morning fires mingles lifting fog with smells of tea
Small flames lick eagerly at cold air and wood from new cut trees
Morning’s yawning children put on red and orange knitted hats
While early risers wrap their heads like gifts waiting to unwrap
All dressed up merry
To celebrate January

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